Wednesday, April 8, 2009

When Mom's away, the boys will play...

The last weekend of March, Mommy went to New Orleans, LA to a work conference. We missed her very much (she missed us more) but Daddy and I had some wonderful male bonding time.

The giraffe next to me is my new best friend, George. Miss Claire gave me the greatest animal puzzle for my birthday and he is my favorite of all the animals. She named him for me too!
Daddy likes to amuse me by entering me in what we call the "Stroller 500." We hop in the stroller and race through the house. I've won every race I've entered so far. Look out Dale, Jr.!

Here I am standing in my Pack 'n Play. I have tons of fun toys and play pretty well as long as a parent is nearby.

At this point, I was really ready for Mommy to come home. Thankfully, she wasn't gone too long.

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