Wednesday, January 21, 2009

MLK, Jr. holiday

Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday afforded Mommy a day off! Daddy had to go to work so Mommy and I spent a special day together. It began with fruit and a Handy Manny marathon!

After breakfast we played downstairs so Mommy could get some housework done. The unfortunate incident of the day was that I ate the band-aid that Mommy put on the finger that got smashed in the recliner. Dr. Waldo's nurse assured her that all is well and she would see it again in 24 to 48 hours. She knew I was fine because I heartily ate my chicken and pasta for lunch and took all my bottles for the day.
In the afternoon we played upstairs and I had so much fun that I skipped my afternoon nap!

All in all it was a great day! I look forward to the weekend so we can spend more special time together. Mommy is learning that accidents will happen and to make better decisions regarding patient care!

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