Thursday, April 14, 2011


Yesterday we decided to take our first shopping trip to the new Publix in Chelsea. Mommy is so very thankful for help from Aunt Shezzey! With her assistance we made it there and back in about an hour with enough groceries for two weeks!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


It's exhausting being 1.

Happy 1st Birthday John Tyler!

John Tyler celebrated his first birthday!

We can hardly believe that his first year has passed so quickly!

We got dressed and ready with a plan to take him to the zoo. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate and we ended up running errands while Nathan was at school.

We enjoyed a wonderful family celebration that evening with John Tyler making his first attempt to drink from a sippy cup!
Nathan was a great big brother and opened all of John Tyler's gifts for him.

He also ended up thoroughly testing each toy prior to letting John Tyler play with them!

celebrating Nathan at Tiny Blessings

The Friday before Nathan's birthday Align CenterMommy, Daddy and John Tyler came to Tiny Blessings to celebrate Nathan's birthday with his friends and teachers.

Everyone got to take home a balloon!

Miss Cara is teaching Nathan how to hold up 3 fingers.

Miss Lori and Miss Cara led everyone in singing "Happy Birthday" to Nathan!

We are so blessed that Nathan has an opportunity to take part in this wonderful program!

Happy Birthday Nathan!

Nathan's 3rd birthday fell on a Sunday and Mommy planned a full day of celebrating this precious boy!

We started with pancakes and quickly got bathed and dressed for church.

Nana came and helped Mommy so we could go and do so many fun things! After church, Nana took us to La Paz which is one of Nathan's favorites! John Tyler was quite the trooper during Nathan's special day!
After a yummy lunch we drove over to the zoo!
Nathan took a great picture of Mommy. :)

First we visited the monkeys...
then we took a carosel ride...

took funny photos as lions...
fed the goats...
saw a big, red tractor...
and finished our visit with a train ride!

When Daddy got home from work we had a family celebration.

Nathan had a great day and we are so blessed by this amazing child!

Happy Birthdays Nathan & John Tyler

Halfway between the boys birthdays we invited all of our family up to celebrate Nathan turning 3 and John Tyler turning 1.

Everyone had a great time and we are so blessed by the love bestowed upon our family!

visiting Gran Gran

In March we took a mini-vacation to Brooklyn to visit Gran Gran.

We took Gator rides... and golf cart rides... and even visited Eddie's farm and petted the donkeys and sat in a bulldozier and excavator too! (all of those pictures ended up on Nana's camera)

We celebrated the boys birthdays with Gran Gran!