Monday, January 10, 2011

John Tyler loves to laugh

tall tower

One of Nathan's favorite things to do is build Lego Duplo towers. He's gotten really good at making very cool towers.

Mungenast family Christmas

Each year, Aunt Patti and Uncle Jerry open their home in Birmingham, AL to the Mungenast family. We have missed this Christmas event the past two years due to illness, so it was really special this year as it is the boys first Mungenast Christmas!
Even more impressive, 10 out of 14 siblings were in attendance.
Growing up, everyone would draw names with the adults exchanging gifts with each other and the kids exchanging gifts with each other. As the family has grown we now play Dirty Santa. It's quite the game with 60 plus players and it's always a great event!
Granddaddy entertained John Tyler during the gift exchange with the best toy...
a red plastic cup. He was thrilled!

Nana surprised Nathan with a white star balloon and he couldn't have been happier.

We had a special surprise visit from Tami! She flew in from CA and it's been years since we've gotten a chance to visit with her. WHAT A TREAT!

I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

The guy behind Bonnie is Samuel Coleman. He and Bonnie are dating and he successfully survived both Hamiter and Mungenast families! Very impressive.

Aunt Bonnie graciously let Nathan help her select her gift.

While all of the family was together, we celebrated Aunt Patti's retirement. We are so proud of her exemplary service to our State.
All in all, it was the perfect end to a wonderful Christmas season and a fantastic start to the New Year!

Christmas day

At noon on Christmas day we arrived at Nana & Granddaddy's for Christmas day lunch.

We were so thankful to have both Gran-Gran and Great-Grandma with us on this most special day of the year.

Granddaddy and Uncle Tyler played trucks in the floor with Nathan.

Gran-Gran helped John Tyler open his gifts.

Nana, Aunt Bonnie, Great-Grandma & Gran-Gran pulled out all the stops on a wonderful traditional Christmas day feast.

It was one of the most magical Christmas' we remember!

Christmas morning

We woke up Christmas morning to see the wonderful gifts Santa brought to our house.
Nathan received an amazing train table and John Tyler got a motor speedway!

Nathan jumped right in and began playing!

Christmas eve night

After the boys napped we began preparing for Santa to visit our house.
Nathan helped Mommy bake cookies while Daddy cleaned up the living room.
We snuggled up and watched a Christmas movie and enjoyed a quiet family dinner.

After our movie, we carefully set out our milk and cookies and headed to bed.
Nathan was so excited that he tossed and turned in his bed until 11:30 pm!
We were all very excited to see what Santa will bring for our precious boys. :)

Christmas Eve morning

We woke up Christmas Eve morning and celebrated Christmas with Sammy, Connie & Craig.

We enjoyed a wonderful holiday together. It was great food and fellowship as always.
Nathan loves going to Granddad's shop and seeing all the tools.
We missed seeing the Wade families and Betty! We hope to see them soon!