Wednesday, October 22, 2008

6 month photos

We took my 6 month photos a couple of weeks ago at Samford. It provided the perfect background and our super talented photographer (LuLu) took some amazing shots!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This weekend I got to see Nana, Papa Jim, Grandmother and Granddad. We cheered on the Tide, went for a walk, and hung out at Great Aunt Patti and Great Uncle Jerry's house. What fun!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


On October 4th I had my very first tailgating experience. I got to meet a lot of friends whose prayers we are so grateful for!!! I made my debut in a custom made outfit by one of my favorite designers! Thanks Ms. Claire!!!!

I got to visit with some special friends, Thomas and Dottie, and meet Alexis Grace. She is super cute!

I also met my surrogate Great-Grandparents, Floyd and Ruth Jane Johnson. What cool sunglasses Floyd has!

It was a great experience and I look forward to lots more tailgating fun!
On my next visit I get to go to the Walk of Champions and see the Bear Bryant statue.
Stay tuned!!!