Tuesday, December 16, 2008

9 months

I am now nine months old! I weigh 24 lbs. and measure 30 inches in length. (Mom mis-measured at home on my 8 month birthday.) I sat for my favorite photographer recently and she took some amazing pictures. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

rubber ducky

I have graduated to my new big boy bath tub. I'm not quite sure I like it all that much.

Standing tall

I am such a big boy now! I've figured out how to pull myself up to a standing position and I rarely want to just sit anymore. Watch out world... I'm about to be mobile!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I am getting so excited about he holidays! OK... in reality Daddy is making a super funny face. Note the message on my jammies. "What Santa doesn't bring me Grandma will." So true!

Roll Tide! (again)

Papa Jim and I cheered the Crimson Tide on to a victory over the MSU Bulldogs! OK, so really we spent the afternoon together and by kickoff I was elected Mayor of Sleepytown. But the day was great fun! I even got to see Ms. Claire and Lulu! What a treat!

8 months

I am 8 months old now! Mommy measured me and I have grown to 31 in. in length. Her best guess on weight is around 23 lbs. I am getting to be such a big boy! I am crawling fairly well, pulling up to a standing position on my own and I even said my first word! On Saturday, Nov. 15th, 7:16p.m. I held my arms up and looked over at my Mom and said "Mama." She nearly fainted!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Winnie the Pooh

Happy Halloween from Winnie the Pooh! For my first Halloween I spent time with Nana, Papa Jim and Grandmother. My Great Aunt Patti even drove over to join in the fun! We played, sang and danced. The fun ended when Mommy tried to get me out of my Pooh costume and I was stuck! Thanks to Nana for popping my head back out and saving the day!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

6 month photos

We took my 6 month photos a couple of weeks ago at Samford. It provided the perfect background and our super talented photographer (LuLu) took some amazing shots!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This weekend I got to see Nana, Papa Jim, Grandmother and Granddad. We cheered on the Tide, went for a walk, and hung out at Great Aunt Patti and Great Uncle Jerry's house. What fun!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


On October 4th I had my very first tailgating experience. I got to meet a lot of friends whose prayers we are so grateful for!!! I made my debut in a custom made outfit by one of my favorite designers! Thanks Ms. Claire!!!!

I got to visit with some special friends, Thomas and Dottie, and meet Alexis Grace. She is super cute!

I also met my surrogate Great-Grandparents, Floyd and Ruth Jane Johnson. What cool sunglasses Floyd has!

It was a great experience and I look forward to lots more tailgating fun!
On my next visit I get to go to the Walk of Champions and see the Bear Bryant statue.
Stay tuned!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fall fashion show

Since the weather has changed, Mommy is having an awful lot of fun dressing me up in my fall fashions.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

6 months

I turned 6 months old on Saturday. I spent the day with Mommy cheering on the Tide to a victory over WKU. I had my well baby check-up with Dr. Waldo on Friday afternoon and I weigh 20 lbs. 11 oz. and I have grown to 27 1/2 in.! I am truly a very happy baby as evidenced by the fun I had with Mommy last night! She loves to make silly faces for me.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Roll Tide!

This weekend I cheered the Crimson Tide on to a victory over Clemson. Also, it was also a milestone Labor Day for me as I began to crawl. I made it two steps to get a toy! Mommy and Daddy can hardly believe how fast I'm growing up!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

4 generations

This past weekend I visited my maternal great-grandparents. We drove down to Brooklyn (AL) in Conecuh county and enjoyed spending time with Gran-Gran, Papa Jim, Nana, Uncle Bubba & CiCi.

I loved standing out on Gran-Gran's porch watching the rain. Once the rain subsided, I got a kick out of feeling the wind on my face.

Sunday morning we drove up to Grandma & Grandpa's house in Montgomery. We enjoyed a picnic in the living room and I showed off my skills by rolling over and scooting backwards.

All in all it was a great visit. I am blessed to be loved by so many people!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

5 months old

I am five months old today! I am fighting my first cold which has evolved into an ear infection. Special thanks to Aunt Bonnie for taking extra care of me this week. I have been to see Dr. Waldo twice and yesterday I weighed 19 lbs. 5 oz. Obviously, the illness hasn't affected my appetite. I am not yet able to sit up unassisted, but we're working on it. I have gotten pretty good at rolling over. Look out world... I'm about to be mobile!

Monday, August 4, 2008

San Diego

This post will encompass lots as I just spent the week in San Diego, CA with Mom and Nana. I was the perfect traveler and even saw my first celebrity in the ATL airport! Phylicia Rashād (from the Cosby show) was in the Freshens line in front of us.

Once we arrived we scoped out the dining establishments. Our favorite restaurant to dine at was called Roy's. We loved it so much we ate there 3 times!

We also had a great dining experience at Donovan's in the GasLamp District. (Thanks to Nick for the suggestion!) They offered us a complimentary limo service and sat us in their VIP dining room for privacy. The Captain even told the wait staff to whisper once I fell asleep!

The weather was fantastic! Our first day we sat out by the pool. I had a great time napping and playing. Our last day we spent the afternoon in Embarcadero Park. It was fantastic!

It was a long week, but we had a great time and even experienced our first earthquake! Mom and I happened to be in the elevator and didn't feel anything extraordinary, but Nana felt it in the lobby. Thankfully we were all safe. We are thankful for all of the prayers during our travels and were excited to get home to see Daddy and "Sissy" Mags. 'Til next time...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Laughing out loud

My daddy is super funny!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

3 month photos

I posed for my favorite professional photographer recently.

You can see how much I've grown by viewing my newborn photos.

Thanks for bringing out the best in me Lulu!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Dip in the lake

I went swimming (actually it was floating) in Lake Martin this weekend. I wasn't able to hold myself up very well. Overall it was an interesting experience.


This past weekend I began eating solid foods. Mom started me out on Friday night with rice cereal.

Saturday morning we ventured into applesauce. I wasn't really sure about it at first, but it grew on me.

Month 4

This month I'm learning to roll over (done it once) and I'm beginning to think about sitting up. At my four month check-up I weighed 17 lbs. and 15 oz. and measured 26.5 in. Mommy calls me "chunky monkey."

Months 1-3

Since birth I've been focused on following things with my eyes, learning to use my hands and gaining weight. At my two month check up I weighed 13 lbs. and measured 24 in.

In the beginning...

Welcome to Nathan's News! I will share with you my growth and discoveries. To get you up to speed, I was born on March 13, 2008. I weighed 8 lbs. and 9 oz. and measured 21in. in length. Apparently the spinach my Mom ate paid off. I enjoy spending time with my parents and my "sissy" Mags. She's my own furry little person. I'll tell you more about her later. Now, where was I? Oh yea, check me out on D-day.